My husband, Dan, and I got married Fall of 2021 and have been enjoying building our life together since. Dan is a nurse and after failing to immigrate to Canada he started working as a travel nurse in the US. We're both American, but I studied, lived, and worked in Montreal for almost six years. 

We have two adorable cats, Pepper & Sage, who we love spending time with. I also enjoy photography, reading, cooking, and finding ways to be creative!

faith, family, & adventure are my passions...
and my two cats

hi, I'm Emma and i'm glad you're here!

I started an email newsletter back in 2020 for the job I had at the time. Since leaving that job at the start of 2022, I converted my newsletter to be more of a personal, fun way to update friends and family on our life. It was also at that time that Dan and I left Montreal so we figured it would be a good way to stay in touch and also share our travel nursing adventure.

From the beginning, I loved writing my newsletters and much further back than that I realized I loved writing in general. I've also always loved design, decorating, and creating. In middle school I would spend many recesses playing around with PowerPoint and other programs. In fourth grade my step dad, Matt, helped me do my big research project on Tim Burners-Lee. We created my own website from scratch, HTML kind of scratch.

I never really considered making my own website again (not that I made this from scratch - thankfully!) or doing something like this. But looking back, I see so many building blocks that led to realizing I would LOVE doing something like this. And I have :)

some background on my choice to start a blog


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